Application Guideline for TISI Collaborative Research Projects (Phase 3)
Tokushima International Science Institute
Call for Proposals
Submit Pre-proposal by: May 31, 2024
EXTENDED Deadline of Collaborative Research Proposal: September 15, 2024
TISI has been operating international collaborative research on a two-year cycle and has so far funded a total of 14 research projects. We are now accepting applications for the next research period Phase 3: January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2026. Please read carefully the application guideline below. We hope that TU researchers and Technion researchers will collaborate to carry out valuable and innovative research that will contribute to a brighter future for humanity.
1. Eligibility
Principal Investigator (PI) who will maintain full-time status at either Tokushima University (TU) or Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) throughout the Phase 3 research term (two years). Current or previous TISI researchers (Phase 1 or 2) may apply again.
2. Research Field
No restriction.
We welcome cutting-edge and innovative research themes that will contribute to a brighter future for humanity.
3. Research Period
January 1st, 2025, to December 31st, 2026 (two years).
For research themes that require longer than two years, PIs can apply again at Phase 4 to possibly extend the research period with the same theme.
4. Grant Amount
$100,000 USD per project each year (including indirect costs).
The total amount will be split in half between the universities (i.e., $50,000 for Technion side and $50,000 for TU side of each project). For projects with multiple PIs in either university, the PIs will share the budgeted amount within the affiliate university.
The grant amount may be slightly adjusted in case of a sudden fluctuation of the currency exchange rate.
Up to five projects will be selected.
5. Application and Selection Process
There are three forms to be submitted to apply. During Stage 1, interested researchers should submit two forms: one-page CV (Form 1) and one-page Pre-proposal (Form 2). These two forms will be used to match research partners, and not be evaluated. In Stage 2, a successfully matched international research pair/group will jointly submit ONE five-page Collaborative Research Proposal (Form 3). Please note that it is each PIs’ responsibility to handle confidential information with care while discussing about the research.
Stage 1) Pre-proposal of Research Theme (submit by May 31, 2024)
1. Fill out forms 1 and 2 in English. Please be advised NOT to include confidential materials related to intellectual property in the Pre-proposal since it will be disclosed to a wide audience of researchers at Technion or TU.
2. Submit the forms as Word files via email to the appropriate address below:
Technion researchers send to TRDF:
TU researchers send to TISI office:
※ Please avoid applying with the research themes that are/will be concurrently funded by grants from other organizations.
3. Both universities share the pre-proposals with each other to facilitate partner matchings starting mid-June. Pre-proposals will be widely shared, and all the TU/Technion researchers, including those who have not submitted their pre-proposals, can approach to any pre-proposals as long as they meet the eligibility. At the same time, the proposers are encouraged to look for suitable research partner(s) using websites and university directories.
4. PIs of both universities will directly contact each other based on their Keywords, Research Fields, and Topics and form international research pairs or groups. If multiple researchers approach one pre-proposal, the proposer has the right to choose their partner(s).
5. Once the research pair/group has been created, notify TISI. (There is no deadline for matching process)
CV and the Pre-proposal
Form 1
Stage 2) Collaborative Research Proposal (UPDATED deadline: September 15, 2024)
6. A successfully matched international research pair must jointly prepare and submit one five-page Collaborative Research Proposal (form 3). A maximum of 5 publication references per researcher can be attached in addition to the five-page proposal.
7. Tokushima side PI sends the form 3 and publication references to TISI office at by September 15, 2024.
8. Upon submission of the Collaborative Research Proposal, the PIs mutually agree that the use of any materials protected by intellectual property rights beyond this proposal is forbidden without written consent of the right holder.
9. The TISI selection committee will evaluate the contents expressed in stage 2, and notify the results in November.
Collaborative Research Proposal
Form 3
6. The Control of Sensitive Technologies for Security Export
All the research activities must be ensured to comply with the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act. TISI will follow the guidelines for the Control of Sensitive Technologies for Security Export. Researchers may be subjected to a hearing for security purposes.
7. Information of Researchers
TU Researcher s’ Information:
・Educators and researcher’s directory
・Names and research fields (PDF)
・Video Messages (ACOT web page)
Technion Researcher s’ Information:
・Technion research fields
8. Specifics of TISI Collaborative Research Projects
1) Research structure
– Collaborative research is conducted by an international research pair or group of Principal Investigators from both TU and Technion.
– Each research pair/group will sign a research contract upon the selection.
– Researchers and engineers of Nichia may participate in collaborative research if both sides of PIs agree.
2) Report of research results
Three (3) official reports to be submitted jointly:
I. Mid-term Report (11th month after starting the research)
II. 20th-month Report (20th month after starting the research)
III. Final Report (immediately after completing the research period)
TISI may organize occasional reporting events in which PIs are asked to participate.
3) Paper submission, external presentation, intellectual property rights
– TISI PIs are required to consult with TRDF & TISI in advance when submitting a paper or making an external presentation about their TISI research.
– Intellectual property rights resulting from the TISI research efforts shall belong to either Tokushima University, Technion, or both, depending on the researchers’ contribution and affiliation. Nichia shall be granted preferential negotiating rights for such intellectual property rights of the research in which Nichia participated.
– An acknowledgment for TISI is required for any publication or presentation of the TISI research.
4) Young researcher exchange project (short-term)
TISI researchers are encouraged to send a young researcher (post-doctorate or graduate student) to their counterpart for a short term (up to 90 days) to strengthen the research partnership and to provide educational opportunities. Please provide a preliminary plan or information of candidates for the young researcher exchange project.